Wide Bay Community Connector for skilled workers in Bundaberg
Welcome to Bundaberg is an initiative of NGO Wide Bay Kids in response to the growing number of people moving to the region. You have likely come across our community resources; website, app, podcast or the annual magazine you can pick up at local council facilities, real estates, businesses and community service organisations and events across the region. Wide Bay Kids has funded and created these resources to connect new residents to the businesses and services, this was phase one.
Phase two of Welcome to Bundaberg is a whole of community attraction and retention strategy for tertiary qualified workforce. The aim is to help reduce workforce shortages keeping newly arrived professionals living and working in Bundaberg.
Phase two includes a Community Connector to provided newly arrived professionals with a concierge-like service and information tailored to them and their families specific needs. The community connector will assist with; Housing, Education, Social Connection, Accessibility, Partner Employment, Cultural Connection, Leisure & Recreation.
Welcome to Bundaberg Community Connector is informed by the Attract Connect Stay framework developed by Dr Cath Cosgrave – an evidence based, place based, person centered solution to Attraction and Retention in regional areas addressing workforce shortages.
A collaborative partnership between Wide Bay Kids and Attract Connect Stay, established by Dr. Cath Cosgrave, an authority in rural health workforce development, the Community Connector Program (CCP) is a key strategy for aiding new skilled workers and their families in rural areas. Inspired by a similar initiative in Marathon, Ontario, Canada, the CCP focuses on essential support during the first year of resettlement, that Dr Cosgrave has established is crucial for long-term retention. Its successful pilot between 2021 and 2022 in rural Australia, funded by the Foundation of Regional and Rural Renewal, not only validated its effectiveness but also provided a model for communities to develop their own CCPs.
We are currently running a small fully funded pilot for Bundaberg, the first in Qld for health providers, focusing on allied health workforce. Connect with us to learn more or be involved in the project. Click here to fill in the Intake Referral Form.
Welcome to Bundaberg is seeking further funding for an extended Wide Bay Community Connector Pilot. An evidenced-based, person-centered, place-based solution for strengthening regional Australia’s professional & skilled workforces. A fully funded pilot for Bundaberg & Wide Bay region would see a community wide approach to improving attraction and retention in the region across many industry sectors.